Does any of this sound familiar?

Be honest.

Are you exhausted? Are you up every hour to put your baby back to sleep? Do you dread going out of the house because baby might have a meltdown? We can guarantee your baby is as tired as you are (and probably showing it by being cranky during the day!) It’s time to change this for the better!

Like all other skills, healthy sleep skills need to be taught. If you’re ready for a sleep plan that will teach your child independent sleep skills so he or she happily sleeps up to 12 hours at night (and takes better daytime naps), then here’s the program for you.

Does your child:

  • Wake up frequently in the middle of the night?

  • Take forever to fall asleep at bedtime?

  • Cry inconsolably because he or she is overtired?

  • Consistently take short naps?

  • Or only fall asleep after being nursed, rocked, or bounced?

Do you:

  • Dread bedtime because you know you’ll see your child just a few hours later?

  • Have to ninja crawl out of your child’s room after you guess they have fallen asleep?

  • Constantly argue with your partner about the best method or feel resentful of him or her for getting more sleep than you?

  • Feel hopeless, like there’s no end in sight when your child will sleep well?

  • Or just feel exhausted and sleep deprived?

Megan and Bee Wise Sleep Consulting have a proven method for developing customized, age-appropriate sleep plans that help establish independent sleep skills so your child can fall asleep quickly and easily at bedtime, sleep 11-12 hours straight overnight, plus take great naps during the day.

Not only will we help your child become a great sleeper, but we’ll also help you feel more rested so you can tackle whatever life throws at you.

Course Modules

  • 1
    Welcome to Bee Wise Sleep School
  • 2
    Welcome to the course!
    • A message from Megan
    • I'm in, now what? (+ Course walk-through)
    • Sleep Plan Goals
    • Preparation and Planning
  • 3
    Confidentiality (and Being an Honest Person)
    • Confidentiality (and Being an Honest Person)
    • Confidentiality
  • 4
    Helpful Resources
    • Sleep Log- Track Your Progress
    • Strategy Log
  • 5
    Honest Truths about Crying
    • Will my baby cry?
    • Honest Truths about Crying- Video
  • 6
    Setting Up Your Sleep Sanctuary
  • 7
    Teaching Independent Sleep Skills
    • Why is this part so crucial?
    • Establishing Independent Sleep Skills
  • 8
    Establishing a Solid Bedtime Routine
    • Crafting a Perfect Bedtime Routine
    • Establishing a Solid Bedtime Routine
  • 9
    Step-by-Step Sleep Plan
    • Step-by-Step Sleep Plan
    • Description of Sleep Plan Options
  • 10
    Nighttime Wake-Ups
    • Nighttime Wake-Ups: Resources
    • Nighttime Wake-Ups
  • 11
    It's Morning! (Now What?)
    • Mornings & Early Morning Wakeups
    • It's Morning! (Now What?)
  • 12
    All About Naps
    • All About Naps- Overview and Resources
    • Wake Times- Quick Reference Guide
    • All About Naps
  • 13
    Age-Specific Details
    • Overview
    • 3-6 Months
    • 7-12 Months
    • 13-18 Months
  • 14
    Sleep Transitions and Regressions
    • Downloads and Resources
    • The 5th Night Sleep Regression
    • Dropping from 3 ->2 Naps
    • Dropping from 2 -> 1 Naps
    • Dropping the LAST Nap
    • Moving from Crib to Bed
  • 15
    Addressing Common Challenges AFTER Your Sleep Plan Ends
    • Downloads and References
    • Illness
    • Travel
    • Social Activities and Errands
    • Teething
  • 16
    Upgrade (What if I need help?)
    • Add On Personalized Follow-Up Support